
SEA Teacher Experiences Part 1( Selection on My University)

Sea Teacher is a program of SEAMEO that i knew since i was in my 6 semester in my university. To get the experiences for SEA Teacher or for becoming the Delegations a actually need an hard struggles for me. I still remember the Announvement from my campus University of Lampung it Posted on around May 2017 And the selections held in June 2017. The Requirement for being a delegation from my university must follow some selections. The first selection was an administration selection such as Toefl Score and Grade of Lecturer. At that time i am so grateful that i could pass to the first selection. After that for next weeks we came to the 2nd selection that was pedagogical tests such as making Lesson Plans and micro teaching in English languange. You know what ??? I am really really curious about the result at that time. So i ask too often to the university about the results. And i was so surprise to know that i am as one of the Delegations of the SEA Teacher Program.